
Archive for July 16, 2011

What most humans and most religions are afraid to look at

July 16, 2011 2 comments

Here is what most humans and most religions are afraid to look at: Perhaps what it is that humans don’t understand about God is that God is not at all what people have thought.

Perhaps God is not an old man in the sky with needs and desires, a personal will and personal fears, and all the inner conflicts, contradictions, turmoil and emotional turbulence of humans. Perhaps God is the Sum Total of Everything—truly, the “All in All,” the “Alpha and the Omega”, “That Which IS”—and perhaps nothing stands outside of this.

If that is true, then YOU do not stand outside of This, and This does not stand outside of you. This means that what you want, God wants. It means that your will for you is God’s will for you.

Yet what happens when we are of the consciousness “…not as I will, but Thy will be done?” What happens when we make a choice to make God choose for us, and God is saying, “You may do as you wish”? What happens to the will, to the idea, to the request then, if we say to God, you choose for us, but God is saying, you choose for you?

When you make a choice to have God choose for you, you have essentially taken down the sail, let go of the rudder, and set your boat adrift on a stormy sea. This is because God really and truly does choose for you what you choose for you. Or, to put this all another way, if God did have a preference, this, in fact, would be it: that you get to choose.

Now if you do not want to choose, if you want someone else to do the choosing for you, we have a small problem here. You can, of course, give up your future to fate, but the winds of fate, as you must surely have learned, can take you in either of two directions: into safe harbor, or into a shoal, and certain shipwreck.

That is because “fate” is a marvelous acronym for “From All Thoughts Everywhere.” And that includes all of your own previous thoughts, as well as all of the thoughts of others. First will come your own.

The first thing that will happen is that your personal creative Self will turn for direction to your own most powerful thought—which is often found in your subconscious. That is, you are not consciously aware of it. You will then produce an outcome. You simply won’t do it consciously. You’ll do it unconsciously, then claim that what happened was “fate,” or “God’s will.”

In addition to your own thought, your future will also be impacted by the collective consciousness of the world around you; that is, the other human beings who people your life, with whom you travel on your journey, and, to some degree, all the people of the earth, whose combined attitudes too often create the collective experience of the lot of us.

Now, since many of the thoughts belonging to these other people may be strikingly different from each other, you may find yourself battered a bit. This will manifest itself as your feeling “torn” over what to do.

In life, indecision only breeds more indecision—and then, ultimately, a decision that is made for you. That is because, as you will soon discover, not to decide is to decide. The truth is, you are always deciding, it is just a matter of how you are doing it. You are always creating. It is merely a question of what method you use.

My recommendation: make a conscious personal choice about everything.

If you leave the choices about where the world at large is headed to the world at large, the collective consciousness of humanity will set the course and direction of your planet’s future. You can either follow the collective consciousness, or help direct it.

Neale Donald Walsh.
Copyright © 2011  The Global Conversation.


Categories: Spiritualism

Anger And Revenge

July 16, 2011 6 comments

Osho – Is revenge something related to anger or something else, and how can we overcome this problem?

Anger Is A Great Resource Of Energy

“Only the ego can be touched. It is very touchy. If somebody just looks at you in a certain way, it is touched. He has not done anything. If somebody smiles a little, it is touched; if somebody just turns his head and does not look at you, it is touched. It is very touchy. It is like a wound, always open, green. You touch it and the pain arises. A single word, a single gesture — the other may not even be aware of what he has done to you, but he has touched it.

And you always think the other is responsible, that he has wounded you. No, you carry your wound. With the ego your whole being is a wound. And you carry it around. Nobody is interested in hurting you, nobody is positively waiting to hurt you; everybody is engaged in safeguarding his own wound. Who has got the energy? But still it happens, because you are so ready to be wounded, so ready, just waiting on the brink for anything.

You cannot touch a man of Tao. Why? –
because there is no one to be touched. There is no wound. He is healthy, healed, whole. This word ’whole’ is beautiful. The word ’heal’ comes from ’whole’, and the word ’holy’ also comes from ’whole’. He is whole, healed, holy.

Be aware of your wound. Don’t help it to grow, let it be healed; and it will be healed only when you move to the roots. The less the head, the more the wound will heal — with no head there is no wound. Live a headless life. Move as a total being, and accept things.

Just for twenty-four hours, try it — total acceptance, whatsoever happens. Someone insults you, accept it, don’t react, and see what happens. Suddenly you will feel an energy flowing in you that you have not felt before. Somebody insults you: you feel weak, you feel disturbed, you start thinking of how to get your revenge. That man has hooked you, and now you will move round and round. For days, nights, months, even years, you will not be able to sleep, you will have bad dreams. People can waste their whole life over a small thing, just because someone insulted them.

Just look back into your past and you will remember a few things. You were a small child and the teacher in the class called you an idiot, and you still remember it and you feel resentment. Your father said something. Your parents have forgotten, and even if you remind them, they will not be able to remember it. Your mother looked at you in a certain way and since then the wound has been there. And it is still open, fresh; if anybody touches it, you will explode.

Don’t help this wound to grow. Don’t make this wound your soul. Go to the roots, be with the whole. For twenty-four hours, just twenty-four hours, try not to react, not to reject, whatsoever happens.

If someone pushes you and you fall to the ground — fall! Then get up and go home. Don’t do anything about it. If somebody hits you, bow down your head, accept it with gratitude. Go home, don’t do anything, just for twenty-four hours. And you will know a new upsurge of energy that you have never known before, a new vitality arising from the roots. And once you know it, once you have tasted it, your life will be different. Then you will laugh at all the foolish things you have been doing, at all the resentments, reactions, revenges, with which you have been destroying yourself.

Nobody else can destroy you except you; nobody else can save you except you. You are the Judas and you are the Jesus.

Osho, The Book of Self.
Copyright © 2010 Osho International Foundation


Categories: Self Improvement tips